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Bischoff 's Shades of the West


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JSW1020 Tufa Cast Buckle

Sammie Kescoli Begay
Base price $1,600.00
Retail price: $1,600.00
Retail price without tax: $1,600.00
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JSW1020 Tufa Cast Buckle

Sterling silver tufa cast buckle by Navajo silversmith Sammie Kescoli Begay, The 4” x 2 3/4” buckle with traditional Navajo patterns has three green Easter Blue turquoise stones. Made for a 1 1/2" belt.

Tufa casting is a technique of pouring molten silver into a tufa stone mold and letting it harden into a given form.  The mold is only used once; therefore each item is an original piece.

Navajo silversmith Sammie Kescoli Begay produces some of the most beautiful traditional and deeply stamped sterling silver jewelry to be found in Navajoland. Using heavy gauge ingot silver combined quality gem grade turquoise, his pieces are unique in both quality and style. He approaches each piece he creates with the eye of a true perfectionist. Sammie was one of the early silversmiths for Shades of the West in Scottsdale, Arizona.

The Easter Blue mine is located northwest of Tonopah, Nevada a few miles from the Royston district. Turquoise from this claim has also been called Blue Mountain and Blue Gem. Compared to some of the other deposits in Nevada, the Easter Blue was never considered a large producer and changed hands a number of times. It was discovered in 1907 and the first material found was a fine blue color, usually occurring in thin veins. Later the mine produced a blue green turquoise with a light to dark brown matrix.


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